- Date: 2014/01/18
- Observer: Becs Hodgetts
- Organization: Forecaster, CAIC
- Area Description: Ironing board back of Grizzly peak.
- Landmark: Loveland Pass-Southside
- Average Slope Angle: 32 °
- Maximum Slope Angle: 35 °
- Elevation: 12035 ft
- Sliding Surface: I - New/Old Interface
- Weak Layer: Interface
- Average Crown: 12 in
- Maximum Crown: 24 in
- Average Width: 100 ft
- Maximum Width: 300 ft
- Average Vertical: 400 ft
- Maximum Vertical: 500 ft
- Comments: Debris ran into gully feature, where burial would be much deeper than a 1.5. Making this relatively small avalanche much more dangerous. Slide was triggered on center of photo and propagated to other flanks.