CAIC: Colorado Avalanche Information Center

2012/01/21 - Colorado - Chedsey Creek, North Park

Published 2012/03/01 by Ethan Greene and Tim Brown - Forecaster, CAIC

Avalanche Details

  • Location: Chedsey Creek, North Park
  • State: Colorado
  • Date: 2012/01/21
  • Time: 11:30 PM (Estimated)
  • Summary Description: 2 people on foot caught, 1 partially buried, 1 fully buried and killed
  • Primary Activity: Snowmobiler
  • Primary Travel Mode: Foot
  • Location Setting: Backcountry


  • Caught: 2
  • Partially Buried, Non-Critical: 1
  • Partially Buried, Critical: 0
  • Fully Buried: 1
  • Injured: 0
  • Killed: 1


  • Type: SS
  • Trigger: AF - Foot penetration
  • Trigger (subcode): u - An unintentional release
  • Size - Relative to Path: R3
  • Size - Destructive Force: D2
  • Sliding Surface: O - Within Old Snow


  • Slope Aspect: N
  • Site Elevation: 9478 ft
  • Slope Angle: 35 °
  • Slope Characteristic: Sparse Trees

Avalanche Comments

This avalanche was rated SS-AF-R3D2-O. It was a soft-slab avalanche triggered by a person on foot. It was medium for the path, but large enough to kill a person and broke into old snow layers. The avalanche occurred in open forest. The fracture ran through a rocky outcropping. The slopes on either side of the outcropping where about twice the vertical of the slope where the avalanche occurred.

We visited the accident site on January 24th. There was recent avalanche activity on east and southeast aspects. There was about 15 cm of new snow covering the accident site.

Weather Summary

The 2011-2012 winter was characterized by small snow storms with dry periods in between. The Tower SNOTEL site on Buffalo Pass showed 43 inches of snow and 12.2 inches of snow-water equivalent (SWE) on January 19th, 2012. A large snow storm moved into the Steamboat zone on the evening of January 21st, 2012. By January 23rd the Tower SNOTEL showed 62 inches of snow and 15.6 inches of SWE.

Snowpack Summary

The avalanche removed most of the snow that we would have liked to examine. We conducted a snow profile at the crown face, but the layering in this profile and along the bed surface indicate that the avalanche broke through different snow layers.

At the crown face, the weak layer and bed surface were within the depth hoar layer. This was a common feature of avalanches during this time period. There was a range of hardness and strength within the depth hoar layer with a 10-15 cm thick layer that was the weakest portion of the layer. The ice layer/grauple layer, discussed below, was within the slab.

Along the bed surface, the ice layer/grauple layer was very near the surface. I suspect this was the bed surface, but cannot say conclusively due to the snowfall between the accident and the time we visited the site.

Events Leading to the Avalanche

Subject 1 and Subject 2 traveled along CO SH 14 and to the winter closure of Jackson County Rd 24 (Buffalo Pass) for a day of snowmobile riding. There they parked their vehicle and rode their snow machines to the west. Their plan was to ride along the east side of the Park Range during the day of January 21, 2012.

The two explored the areas to the north of Co Rd 24. They made several trips up and down slopes and drainages in the area. They eventually dropped down into an east-facing drainage, probably near Summit Lake. The two proceeded down the drainage through complex terrain and dense forest. At approximately 5:30 pm the two riders decided it was too difficult/dangerous to proceed on their snow machines through this terrain in the dark (see Comments section). They had a GPS unit with a waypoint of the Co Rd 24 parking lot (approximately 2.7 miles from their location at the time). They decided to leave their machines and walk out to the groomed road and then to the parking lot.They called a family member with their cellular phone and told them they were okay, but might spend the night out.

A winter storm was moving into the area as the two hiked out in the dark. Each had small amounts of food and drink, extra clothing, and avalanche rescue equipment (beacon, shovel, probe). Between the two of them they had a GPS unit, cellular phone, and various pieces of survival equipment (including tools and fire starter).

The existing snowpack was weak and about 80 cm deep. Snowfall was increasing and the weak and loose snow made traveling very difficult. The two crossed a terrain feature in Chedsey Creek and then climbed up the northeast facing side to a bench. They walked along the bench and began climbing up the slopes above it while continuing to move generally to the south.

Accident Summary

At approximately 11:30 pm, Subject 1 and 2 were climbing up and across a 35 degree slope above a forested bench. They were about 10 feet apart when the avalanche released. They were both caught in the avalanche. Subject 1 was washed downhill and completely buried uphill of a small conifer tree. Subject 2 was quickly washed into a large conifer tree and partially buried, non-critical.

Rescue Summary

Subject 2 quickly extricated himself from the partial burial. He turned his avalanche beacon to receive and located Subject 1. He extricated Subject 1, but found no signs of life. Subject 2 retrieved all of the equipment the two where carrying and then built a make-shift shelter near Subject 1 and spent the night.
The next morning, January 22nd, Subject 2 communicated via voice and text messages with friends, family, and the Jackson County Sheriff's office. Jackson County dispatched a search and rescue group including a private helicopter. Friends and family of Subjects 1 and 2 also responded and mounted a search on snowshoes and snow machines. The search continued through the day with search and rescue groups from neighboring counties responding late in the day and early on the morning of January 23rd.
Subject 2 spent a second night in the make-shift shelter and made one last phone call on the morning of January 23rd. A second, military, aircraft arrived that afternoon and the combined search effort located Subjects 1 and 2 late in the day. Subject 2 was transported to the winter parking lot of Co Rd 24 on the snowmobile of a family friend.


Subject 1 and 2 were both experienced snowmobile riders and backcountry travelers. They were riding heavily modified snow machines. They were also riding in complex terrain and difficult snow conditions. They decided to leave their sleds, in part, once it got dark because neither had headlights. The lights added unnecessary weight to their high-performance machines.

In this accident, the avalanche compounded an already difficult situation. Companion avalanche rescue is always a challenge. Performing a beacon search and recovery in the dark, during heavy snowfall, must have been very difficult. Subject 2 then spent two unexpected nights out, with low temperatures near 10 F. In many regards, we are lucky that only one young man lost his life in this accident.




Image Missing
Figure 11: A snow profile of of the avalanche crown. The thin ice layer was just below the bed surface in the majority of the start zone. There was also a hard ice layer near the ground in areas of the start zone.